Pittman Robertson Act: NWTF

nwtf logoToday marks a major milestone for hunters and conservationists. The Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act was signed into law 76 years ago. Fitting that the anniversary falls on Labor Day, since it’s the hard-earned money of American sportsmen who make this important act possible year after year. The Pittman-Robertson Act was created at the urging of sportsmen and wildlife groups and diverts an 11 percent excise tax on sporting arms and ammunition to conservation. More than $2 billion dollars have been invested in conservation because of Pittman-Robertson dollars. These funds are exclusively used to pay for a wide range of state-initiated conservation projects. Conservation successes, like the restoration of the wild turkey, would not have been possible without the critical funding provided by this program. All hunters and sportsmen should be proud of the Pittman-Robertson Act and take pride that generations of folks just like them have committed their money to support what’s important — wildlife, wild places and the privilege to hunt. The National Wild Turkey Federation thanks its nearly 250,000 members, as well as sportsmen across the United States, for their selfless contributions to our country’s wildlife.
