3 Reasons to Use a Drift Sock in a Kayak

3 Reasons to Use a Drift Sock in a KayakLet’s face it. Boat position is a chore no matter the type or size of rig, but wetting a line from a kayak brings its own challenges. When the water’s over waist deep, two indispensable items for kayak fishing are an anchor trolley kit combined with a sea anchor (also known as a drift sock) In windy and wavy conditions these two affordable items are a godsend. Here are three reasons why.

Slow Down

A sea anchor slows down drift speed. This lets you fish an area more thoroughly and stay in the strike zone longer. It’s the difference between getting 15 casts on a piece of structure versus five without the drift sock. Increasing the number of casts allows for more time to experiment with cast angles, different lures, retrieve speeds and different depths, to name just a few perks. Also, if you’re drifting a bait or pulling a rig, using a sea anchor allows for a slower presentation.

Boost Precision

The parachute-like nature of a drift sock helps maintain a regulated drift in a steady direction. This helps fish productive areas with accuracy. Also, a kayak’s orientation is influenced by where the drift sock is tethered. An anchor trolley allows you to adjust this connection point using a pulley system to fine tune boat position. Add a rudder to the equation for even more control.

More Comfort

Using a drift sock boosts comfort. It reduces kayak spin, which means more time fishing and less time paddling. A sea anchor also lessens wave bounce for a more pleasant fishing experience.

From small ponds to big water, outfitting a kayak with an anchor trolley and a sea anchor will improve your angling efficiency and comfort on the water. For more information on kayak rigging, check out this article about How to get your kayak fishing ready  at Bass Pro Shops 1Source.

This article was produced by Tim Allard for Bass Pro Shops 1Source, where it appeared first.
