An Open Letter To Ted Cruz

Who Has The Real ChopsDo you have the chops to lead the United States of America? Today is a big day for the Republican nomination process. If we got it right Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho and Hawaii voters will make there decisive votes count on who will it be, Trump or Cruz. So tell us Senator Cruz why you? Yes you have been in more debates than the American public can handle, telling us why we should choose you. Seriously what can you really do? Your a lawyer with a few years in the United States Government as a Senator and a former Solicitor General for Texas. What do you bring to the table as experience?

You are a lawyer with strong beliefs in the Constitution? You think and we can concur that the Constitution is a road map to our country.

We believe you will protect the 2nd Amendment and stop the challenges to the freedoms we have from it.

You plan for defending  the United States of America is solid and you have that covered.

The size of government at the federal level will shrink under your leadership?

Are you to far right of center to be objective when you look at other groups in our country who don’t share your personal beliefs? Why would we ask this? Simple, we need a leader who can unify all Americans. Or at least the over whelming majority. Will you? How? Why? How will you get both parties to work with you in Congress?

We think your stance on immigration needs work, but seriously no other administration has done anything with it and your plan would be a start. Deliver it!

What is your plan for Obama Care and how do we get there?

What builds a country? …… it’s citizens. For years now manufacturing has been jumping ship to Asia, Mexico, and other regions of the world away for the United States. We need to be the manufacturing leading in the world again and how will you get it reversed? How will you really bring jobs back to country? Big question here is, have you ever created a company, organization or system that has proven your success in this arena – job creation or international trade deals? We would say NO. Correct the record.

We see it as this. Jobs, ISIS and others, Immigration, Health Care and unification of our alphabet soup of a country.

Ted Cruz Issues

At the end of the day you have as many good plans for the country as do Donald Trump. Rubio is no longer a contender. Sanders will ruin the country in a way unknown to us. Clinton will give use 4 or maybe 8 more years of Obama hell with her own twists. So that leaves patriots, hunters, anglers, blue-collar America, the middle class having to choose between you and Trump to make this happen and turn the country back in the direction of success. Sorry, you have to make some changes.

We are watching.

Next open letter after lunch.

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