Its nice to live out in the country so you can have a back yard 22 range. Something I leaned from the British Air Rifle shooters is how to make a Squirrel Trap. I made note of how many squirrels were showing up to the deer feeders baited with corn. Those little rascals were eating more corn than the deer and getting as fat as a roll of toilet paper.
So I made a corn pile in front of my target range so I can harvest squirrels off the back porch. This works good and I dont have to drive 50 miles to a WMA to squirrel hunt. During the season (We have two in Louisiana) I can get 1 or two a day, and they keep showing up, as they have 3 litters a year.
Corn works and is readly available, its not legal to bait on a WMA but finding den trees and acorn groves is pretty simple.
They cant resist the corn even when Im target practising. One old Fox Squirrel even came back showing a bullet hole through his right ear from several months ago. Both Grey and Fox squirrels come in all the time reminding me that “Stupid is what stupid does,” reminding me of the greed and philosiphy of some humans.
You can learn a lot from a squirrel, Chicken of the Trees…Pass it on.