Advanced Turkey Calling Tips

Turkey callingThese 10 tricks will carry your turkey calling to a higher level and help you become a more successful turkey hunter. 1.) One fine spring day I threw the kitchen sink at a Mississippi gobbler. He roared at all my calls, but just stood out there and strutted. “OK old boy, I’ll give you something a little radical,” I whispered. Pinning a diaphragm to the roof of my mouth, I squealed, uttering sort of a chopped-off kee-kee. I pulled out a box call, pressed the lid hard against the sounding lip and stroked a couple of long whines amid a series of yelps. The turkey broke strut and body-rocked in! The 30-yard shot was a piece of cake.

Listen closely and you’ll notice that many hens mix squeals, squeaks and whines into their clucking and yelping routines. These idiosyncrasies drive some toms wild. Tweaking your diaphragm and friction calling can have the same effect. Those “bad” notes you hit on purpose might bring a stubborn gobbler running.

2.) Place a new diaphragm call halfway between your front teeth and the back of your mouth. If it feels too big and flat, bend the aluminum frame slightly downward. The call should feel more comfortable against your palate. Better yet, you’ll have a better air seal, which will sweeten the sounds of your clucks and yelps. Read on….
