Serious deer hunters spend many hours trying to figure out where deer will be when the season starts. They scout, they keep track of deer sign and movement patterns, and in some cases they spend their time and money to improve habitat. At the end of that process, they find a productive place to put their stand. Advantage Hunting believes that a great hunting spot deserves a great blind:
safe, effective, and full of features that make a difference under real-world hunting conditions. An excellent and economical option is their Whitetail Blind, a rigid-frame, enclosed hunting blind in 2- or 4-man configurations that can be used on the ground or from elevated positions.
Designers at Advantage hunting put some careful thought into how to construct a blind with options that make a difference to hunters in the field. The Whitetail Blind’s heavy duty Polyethylene Black Shell, polycarbonate windows, bolt-through design with interlocking corners and carpeted 3/4-inch pressure-treated floor mean the blind is waterproof, bug-resistant, safe, quiet and nearly maintenance free.
The windows flip up and out of your way, providing 360-degree shooting. In many blinds, corner posts obscure your view, but in the Whitetail Blind tinted corner windows allow you to look in any direction with no delay and keep your eyes on moving deer. The interior is black like the outer shell, making it very difficult for deer to tell you are in the Whitetail Blind, even if the deer look right at the blind when the windows are open. Coupled with the 6-foot, 1-inch headroom inside the blind, the flip-up windows make the Whitetail a great choice for bow hunters as well as gun hunters.
The two-man version, though sturdy enough to have a 500-pound capacity rating, weighs just 165 pounds. With a 5-foot by 5-foot floor space, it’s big enough for two hunters, but can also be transported in the back of a pick-up. If you need more room, the 4-man version is 5-feet wide and 9-feet long and has a 1,000-pound capacity. Both 2- and 4-man Whitetail Blinds can be ordered with a hinged door (with keyed, locking door handle) if you want to hunt on the ground.
For elevated hunting, the blinds have an optional trap door, which is easy to access when the blind is mounted on the SCENTite Quadpod kit.
In a safe, dry, comfortable blind you can hunt longer and harder – when that trophy buck finally does show up you’ll be more alert because you’re less fatigued. And if you are contemplating introducing a young hunter to the sport, the Whitetail Blind can vastly improve your youngster’s chance of success, as it hides movement and to some degree sound from the deer.
This year, as you work hard in the pre-season to do everything you can to put yourself in front of a deer, consider matching the quality of your hunt with a quality Whitetail Blind. Because serious hunters take every Advantage they can get.