An Open Letter To Donald Trump

Who Has The Real Chops ADo you have the chops to lead the United States of America? We think you do, but you still have to prove it.

Do you know the successes of running a business, mixed with the the learning curves of failure? We think so.

Have you created opportunities for job growth? We are pretty sure you have.

Do you have a clear path to securing our borders and dealing with our current illegal population? It has been a hallmark of your campaign.

Do you believe our armed forces can be a worldwide deterrent if properly funded and built up? You have spoken about this for a while.

Will you reverse the way our government treats and supports retired, injured, broken and homeless veterans? We think so, but how about those homeless veterans?

Do you have a tax plan, health care plan and a plan to reverse China vs US trade policies. We think you have that covered.

Will you support and protect our 2nd Amendment rights? You have made that very clear.

Can you unify a party and a country? That remains to be seen.

Trump Positions


Have you been acting, showing, demonstrating you are President material, especially the last several weeks. NO!

At the end of the day you have as many good plans for the country as do Cruz. Rubio is no longer a contender. Sanders will ruin the country in a way unknown to us. Clinton will give use 4 or maybe 8 more years of Obama hell with her own twists. So that leaves patriots, hunters, anglers, blue-collar America, the middle class having to choose between you and Cruz to make this happen and turn the country back in the direction of success. Sorry, you have to make some changes.

We are watching.

Next open letter after lunch.

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