striped bass recreational fishing management plans.
The forms will be on line until Jan. 16, 2015
The form for Atlantic salmon, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence:
The form for striped bass, Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence:
At this time STRIPED BASS of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence are also being considered for listing as a species of Special Concern under Canada’s SPECIES AT RISK ACT. For details on that, and adding your comments regarding that listing, go to:
The SARA form for comment will be online until Feb. 27, 2015.
Among the special concerns are the low returns in the past two years of Atlantic salmon, especially to the Miramichi watershed.
At the same time, while striped bass had low populations a decade ago, they have become very numerous in the last few years, and there is some evidence they are impacting the number of salmon smolts reaching the sea.