Deer hunters who utilize public land or small tracts of private land often face unique challenges. It’s easy to lose control over certain aspects of the hunt when others are in the woods. Hunts can be blown, while stands and game cameras can be stolen or vandalized. These are unfortunate realities.
The best approach for hunting these areas is to do one’s homework. That means good scouting, careful stand selection, meticulous scent control and everything else we do as hunters to maximize our chances for success. The next best thing is to be discreet. That means avoiding practices that give away our hard-earned knowledge, strategies and key hunting spots to other hunters.
Game cameras should be hung with great care so they’re as inconspicuous as possible. Portable climbing stands and ground blinds are preferable over hang-on and ladder stands that remain in the woods after the hunter leaves. And any deer attractants used should be equally discreet. You’ve put in the work scouting and patterning that big buck. Don’t unnecessarily risk losing him to another hunter.
Attract him, not other hunters. Wildgame Innovations’ new VANISH Blackout Formula Deer Attractant entices deer to camera locations and hunting spots with the power of pitch-black persuasion. – day or night.
A proprietary formula years in the making, VANISH is a high-powered long-range attractant that draws deer by scent and holds them with a highly palatable blend of protein, fat and complex carbohydrates that deer not only crave, but need for sustained overall health. Best of all, unlike other attractants that are easily spotted, VANISH’s powdered blackout formula virtually disappears when placed on the ground or is lightly raked into the soil.
Wildgame Innovations’ VANISH Deer Attractant is made in the USA.
- Mfg. Item # FG-00441
- UPC 8-50695-00441-4
- Low-Vis Blackout Formulation
- High Protein & High Fat Content
- Long-Range Aroma
- 10 lb. bag (4.54 kg)
- MSRP: $17.99
Don’t give away the location of your hunting sites or camera sets. Wildgame Innovations’ VANISH Blackout Formula Deer Attractant delivers all-new levels of stealth and security to hunters worried about camera theft and other forms of human intrusion. Its powdered, sweet and discreet midnight black formulation virtually disappears when deployed, ensuring that he’ll find it, while others won’t.