Hunters who have used mineral products know whitetails can’t help themselves once they discover a mineral source. Their bodies crave the ingredients they’re not getting from natural browse, and they return to the mineral site again and again to answer that instinctive need.
Meltdown is a step above other mineral supplements, utilizing a chemical reaction caused by water. This reaction creates intense heat and releases a strong and irresistible scent vapor deer can’t ignore. That vapor is released again every time it rains, increasing the chances new deer will discover the MELTDOWN mineral site.
Meltdown is made to BIG&J’s exacting standards for quality and nutrition and contains less than 1 percent salt. It comes in easy to carry 1.5-pound bags that also serve as the mixing container to activate the chemical reaction.
If you want to feel good about your deer attractant and know you’re helping bucks reach their maximum potential, let the powerful scent vapor of BIG&J’s MELTDOWN mineral powder help you achieve your goals while also pulling in deer from long distance.
To learn more about MELTDOWN and see the entire line of super-effective, long-range BIG&J attractants, visit www.bigandj.com.