The sights currently being offered in HiViz Camo have the same specs and are packaged with the same accessories as the standard versions.
TriViz®. This unique front and rear sight system creates a sight picture composed of triangular elements that align easily with the target to ensure the point of impact. The rear sight is wind adjustable and can easily be removed for bird and target shooting. The front sight includes three triangular LitePipes of varying heights for elevation adjustments and one traditional round LitePipe.
BirdBuster™. This magnetic sight easily transfers from one shotgun to another. It comes with round and triangular LitePipes and three sight bases to fit most shotgun ribs.
Remington ETA. A removable magnetic sight specifically designed to fit Remington shotgun ribs, thus providing a sleeker profile. It fits much more securely by actually locking around the rib. The package includes 4 round and 2 triangular LitePipes in various colors.
These new sights, along with other HiViz shooting accessories, are available through selected sporting goods stores and at www.HiVizSights.com.
HiViz Shooting Systems manufactures light-gathering sights, recoil pads and accessories for the shooting industry. For more information, contact Trevor Young, Product Manager at 800-589-4315 or Trevor@hivizsights.com.