The M3D is amazingly THINNER than a holstered sub-compact pistol, because the folded trigger safety prevents any activation of the gun until it is almost fully unfolded, so no holster is needed. With the firepower of 22 rounds of 9mm, it will have the footprint of a rectangle (like a cell phone in your pocket) and you will have the comfortof being able to carry in more ways than any other weapon system in its class. No more worries about having exposed holster belt clips or adapting your clothing to meet your daily carry standards.
For millions of Americans who already own a GLOCK®, FULL CONCEAL now offers a premium gunsmith service to convert existing GLOCKs into a FULL CONCEAL M3D. For $749.00, the FULL CONCEAL M3D conversion is all inclusive (shipping, parts, labor, warranty). The new gunsmithing service is available for GLOCK models 19/23/25/32/38 in Gen 3 and Gen 4. Purchase the service directly from FULL CONCEAL online and ship your Glock to FULL CONCEAL. All conversions come with a Magpul 21-round (9mm) magazine, except in states where there is a high-capacity restriction, the Magpul 21 magazine will be permanently riveted at the legal capacity.
FULL CONCEAL will also be setting up ‘Certified Conversion Centers’ at gun shops all over the nation as an option for their conversion customer to drop-off and pick-up their pistol (so that they don’t need to wait all day at home for their pistol shipment). The FULL CONCEAL website will be updated to provide the locations of these Certified Conversion Centers.
“For the hundreds of thousands of current GLOCK owners, this service will make their beloved pistols more concealable, comfortable to carry, safer, and provide them with more rounds on deployment,” Mike Full, founder and CEO of FULL CONCEAL explained. “At half the cost of a brand new FULL CONCEAL M3D, our new M3D conversion gunsmithing service will give the owner all the benefits of their former full-sized GLOCK, but with all the added benefits of the M3D folding platform. One such additional benefit is making their pistol safer while carrying with a chambered round and deploying the M3D. The M3D pistol is 100 percent mechanically safe until it is almost fully un-folded into an L-Shape. That means that during deployment, as you draw the pistol out of your pocket (barrel facing down), there is no way for the gun to go off and accidently shoot yourself in the leg or foot (which happens today with traditional holster carry). As you naturally unfold the M3D pistol, the barrel will start to move upwards and only until the barrel is facing forward does the M3D become mechanically active to discharge a round. The natural way you deploy the M3D pistol is safer compared to the deployment of a traditional holstered pistol.”
Visit FULL CONCEAL™ to learn more about the M3D, the new paradigm in concealed carry.