Fall Walleye Fishing

Wawang Lake Resort TipsWalleye fishing in the cooler weather of autumn is probably second best only to early spring, although there are anglers who would argue this point. Early season walleye fishing is great to say the least, but try a night in the fall when you shiver with cold and excitement as the line goes tight and the fish takes off for deeper water. Fall fishing is hard to beat for great action.

As the water cools and the wave action turns the water over, the oxygen levels go up and the walleye will be stimulated and become more active. Walleye seem to like the break between shallow and deep water at this time of year. Try trolling along these areas and dont be afraid to try different depths. Look for contours near the shore in daylight hours and note their locations. At dusk you can troll along these contours and work them from shallow to deep. But the actual edge of the contours can often be the most productive. Try a zigzag pattern of trolling or casting to cover more water.

Wally Minnow, Smithwick Rogue, Rapalas, countdowns, long wally jigs, Wally Divers, shad raps and spinners with coloured blades are among the top choice lures to have in your arsenal.. Read more….
