Fishing In The Cold Spring

Fishing In The Cold SpringI got out to fish for a couple of hours today, and it was cold. The wind chill was bad enough that my line was freezing up in my reel. Water temps weren’t much better with it floating around the 39 to 40 degree mark.

It didn’t seem possible that anything would hit, but I was able to interest a few bass on a handful of lures – Blitz Lures LLC Spotted Goby Blade, Natural Forage Baits Green Shad Swim Bait, and BFishn Tackle AuthentX Ribb Finn. The later two were rigged on a BFishn Tackle H20 Precision Jig Head.

I fished the Blade and Swim Bait with a pump and slow steady retrieve. The Ribb Finn was fished with quick upward jerks and “finger jigged”.

Fish were found in shallower water on the end into which the wind was blowing.

Hopefully I’ll get out again tomorrow when the temperature is supposed to be a little warmer.

Until next time, get out on the water, and enjoy a great day of fishing.

#blitzluresblade #naturalforagebaitsswimbait #bfishntacklejighead #authentxribbfinn #bassfishing
