IFGA Record Watch. World record applications have recently been submitted for an exotic freshwater snapper, a huge alligator gar on fly, a Junior record for European bass, and two impressive light tackle catches on blue marlin and almaco jack.
Micheal’s Spot tail bass –The IGFA recently received a potential new All-Tackle world record for freshwater snapper (Lutjanus fuscencens) – commonly referred to spot tail bass – caught by Malaysian angler Jeremiah Michael on June 1st. Micheal was fishing along the wooded banks of a freshwater river in the Sulawesi Islands, when this massive freshwater snapper exploded on the lure he was casting.
After a tough 10 minute battle, Micheal was finally able to subdue the fish and bring it into the boat for a quick weighing. To Michael’s surprise, the fish maxed out his under-matched scale, which topped out at 12 kg (26 lb 8 oz). Although the fish was clearly heavier than the maximum weight, Micheal decided to release the fish alive, rather than kill it for a more accurate weight reading. Regardless, at 12 kg (26 lb 8 oz), the fish is plenty large enough to qualify, as this is the first ever record application for this species to be submitted to the IGFA.

Hart’s Alligator Gar – Avid fly angler and world record chaser Richard Hart recently submitted an application for the heaviest alligator gar ever recorded by the IGFA on fly tackle. Hart was fishing Texas’ famed Trinity River with local guide Bubba Bedre on May 6th when he bested the 37.73 kg (83 lb 3 oz) alligator gar on fly tackle, after a tough 30 minute fight. The fish ate a dark, baitfish pattern fly and was released alive after being properly documented from the shore. If approved, the catch will become the new men’s 8 kg (16 lb) tippet class world record, which currently stands at 28.35 kg (62 lb 8 oz).
Marmin’s European Bass – French angler Pablo Marmin – age 16 – caught this impressive 6.95 kg (15 lb 4 oz) European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) on May 26th that could possibly earn him the new Male Junior world record. Marmin was fishing off Les Sables d’Olonne in western France, and needed 10 minutes to subdue the bass after it ate the black minnow he was using for bait. If approved, the catch will replace the existing record, which stands at 2.27 kg (5 lb).
Harless’s Almaco Jack – IGFA world record chaser Sjon Harless of Mobile, Alabama, USA caught this huge almaco jack (Seriola riviola) on June 3rd using only 8 kg (16 lb) tackle, while fishing aboard the Plautus off of Flamingo, Costa Rica. Harless skillfully played the hard-fighting jack for nearly an hour, after the massive 24 kg (53 lb) almaco ate the live look-down she was using for bait. If approved, the catch will easily become the new women’s 8 kg (16 lb) line class record, which currently stands at 12.28 kg (27 lb 1 oz).

Dean’s Blue Marlin – Aussie angler Rebecca Dean caught this 78.5 kg (173 lb) Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) on May 4th using just 3 kg (6 lb) tackle! Dean was fishing off Port Stephens, Australia aboard the Calypso, captained by her husband Tim Dean. After the fish was successfully teased-up, Dean pitched a rigged slimy mackerel behind the boat which was quickly engulfed by the hungry marlin. Dean skillfully played the fish for approximately 30 minutes, before the fish was brought to leader and eventually landed. If approved, the catch will earn Dean the new women’s 3 kg (6 lb) line class record, which currently stands at 64.18 kg (141 lb 8 oz).