on his or her exact location. You want that buck coming, that’s why you’re using a grunt call, but you don’t want him staring a hole through your camo as he approaches.
The Flextone Ground Grunt’r uses a hose design to allow a hunter to blow in a call that emits a sound 30 feet away. This uniquely designed call features a built-in 30-foot hose that allows you to lower the call’s sound chamber down from your treestand or off to the side of your ground blind.
That big buck will be eyeing the base of a tree where it heard the grunt, not a hunter trying to draw a bow or line up the scope crosshairs. When the grunt sounds are away from a hunter’s location, the buck’s attention is diverted away from the hunter, allowing more movement. That could be the difference in bagging a mature buck. 

A trick a few “in-the-know” bowhunters use when rattling is to tie the antlers on their pull cord, so the sound of the buck fight is at ground level. This same trick-calling from ground level while concealed in a treestand can now be applied to grunt calls with the Flextone Ground Grunt’r.
The Flextone Ground Grunt’r is sold standard with 30 feet of hose and tie downs.
Flextone© Game Calls are designed to more accurately mimic the anatomy of a game animal by using both hard and soft flexible parts. They incorporated a hard plastic or metal tone-board with reed to imitate the soft tissue chambers of the neck and mouth of an animal. The design produces a truer, more natural sound as well as giving the user more control of volume, tone, and inflection just like the animals they were designed to imitate. The design is also nearly silent if accidentally contacting your gun or bow while in the field. Flextone© now has a full line of deer, elk, predator, turkey, and waterfowl calls using this patented technology.
For more information, please visit