Potential new world record applications have recently been submitted for several impressive catches, including this huge California halibut, a nice northern pike on fly, a monster alligator gar, and an Atlantic cod on light tackle.

Perez’s California Halibut-On June 24th, while fishing off Santa Rosa Island, California, USA, local angler Sierra Perez caught this impressive 24.6 kg (54 lb 5 oz) California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) that could become the new women’s 15 kg (30 lb) line class world record. Perez was fishing aboard the Mirage, captained by Joe Villareal, and needed only 10 minutes to subdue the potential record halibut after it ate the live squid she was using for bait. The current women’s 15 kg (30 lb) line class world record for this species is 18.59 kg (41 lb), and was set back in 1988.

McCord’s Northern Pike-Angler Meredith J. McCord caught and released this beautiful 5.27 kg (11 lb 10 oz) northern pike (Esox lucius) on June 27th while fly fishing Barris Lake, Ontario, Canada. McCord was fishing with local guide Thatcher Haggeberg, and needed only 5 minutes to subdue the toothy pike after it crushed the popper fly she was casting along the shoreline. Once landed, the fish was quickly weighed, documented, and then released alive. If approved, the catch will earn McCord the new women’s 6 kg (12 lb) tippet class record. The current IGFA world record is vacant.

Hoffman’s Atlantic Cod-On June 20th, angler Elsi Hoffman of Luxembourg caught this quality 17.5 kg (38 lb 9 oz) Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) while speed jigging off the coast of Sudavik, Iceland. Hoffman was fishing with local guide Henri Karier and needed approximately 20 minutes to subdue the potential record cod. If approved, the catch will earn Hoffman the women’s 6 kg (12 lb) line class world record – replacing the current record of 15.42 kg (34 lb) which has stood since 1980.
Witte’s Alligator Gar-Angler Cory J. Witte of Joplin, Missouri, USA caught and released this potential new world record alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) on June 18th, while fishing the Trinity River in Texas, USA with local guide Bubba Bedre. The 60.33 kg (133 lb) fish was landed in 20 minutes after taking the carp Witte was using for bait. Once landed, the fish was quickly documented, weighed, and released alive. If approved, the catch will earn Witte the new men’s 37 kg (80 lb) line class world record, which currently stands at 53.07 kg (117 lb).