In case you missed it, Maine Director for the Humane Society of the United States Katie Hansberry reiterated in a recent television news story that ending bear hunting in Maine will remain a target of her organization unless a “compromise” is reached. Her quote: “We’ll really be working hard to see if we can pursue a compromise, but if that compromise can’t be achieved, ya know we will likely go back to the ballot on the issues of hounding and trapping, it just won’t be on the 2016 ballot,”
Our interpretation: unless Maine hunters voluntarily give up our hunting heritage and scientific wildlife management strategies, HSUS is coming back to end them. Period.
That’s why it is so important for the Maine Wildlife Conservation Council and all of our partners to continue to organize, raise money, and be ready to go on the offensive. You can learn more about us and donate at www.mainewildlife.org.
You can view the full story here: HERE.
Maine Trappers Association Sponsors Fight for Our Future Raffle
The Maine Trappers Association is sponsoring a Fight for Our Future Raffle, and proceeds will go to help permanently protect Maine sportsmen. The prize is a brand new Polaris ETX UTV. Drawing will be on December 5th. Tickets are $20 each.
Take some time to visit this website and buy a ticket. YOUR $20 HAS NEVER BEEN SO IMPORTANT.
BUY A TICKET NOW AT: www.fightforourfutureraffle.com
…and please share with your friends and family on Facebook!
New MWCC Bumper Stickers Are In!
Be on the look out for our new bumper stickers! Or for a $25 contribution on our website- www.mainewildlife.org- we will mail you one as a small token of our appreciation for your commitment to the cause!