Camp Compass Academy works with high-risk inner-city kids to pull them out of the ghetto, teach them life skills and even save lives through using hunting, fishing, shooting sports and other outdoor activities as a teaching foundation. CCA begins working with kids in middle school and follows them through high school. It’s been operating, on a shoestring and blood, sweat and tears of a just a dozen or so volunteers, for 27 years.

But, truth be told, the program is in need of funding to sustain its efforts, grow and hopefully become a national cirriculum for building tomorrow’s conservationists, hunters, anglers and shooters. The waiting list of kids who want to get into the program is substantial. Additional funds can help more kids’ dreams of entering the academy come true.
Give With Eyes Wide Open
Take 10 minutes to watch the Camouflaging Our Differences documentary about Camp Compass. Review the website or visit the Camp Compass/Two Million Bullets Facebook page for additional information.
If you believe an organization that works with kids for years not hours or days, can, will, in fact, produce a generation of sportsmen or at the very least supporters of the traditional outdoor sport, then pleae forego a café coffee other beverage and donate $5 or more. Your generosity will leave a unimaginable legacy.
How the Program Works
Camp Compass:
- Allows interaction between students and teachers beyond the classroom
- Integrates adaptive science, math, social studies and English curriculum
- Develops character and self esteem through student-centered learning
- Builds bridges between cultures, ages and socioeconomic status
- Demonstrates conservation practices and environmental respect
- Promotes a positive connection with the community
- Offers community job links and student references
- Takes a proactive approach toward firearm safety and education
- Works with children over a period of years, not hour or days
- Exposure
- Exploration
- Extension
- Effective Application
- Example Mentoring
- Documentary Camouflaging our Differences:
- Check out the Camp Compass Academy website:
- Donation Sites
Camp Compass Academy
1221 Sumner Ave. Rear Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: 610-778-0576