Heroes on the Water: As a military veteran and an American Airlines pilot, I somberly remember that tragic day of September 11, 2001 in our Nation’s history and am called to honor the innocent men and women who lost their lives and their families who were impacted.

That horrific day eleven years ago, our Nation was attacked and families were devastated by the unexpected and sudden loss of loved ones. At the time, Americans were uncertain of what was happening, but the painful events quickly revealed the things that are most important in our life and our country. They became crystal clear – faith, family, friends, our fellow Americans and our liberty. Our people showed compassion for others, love for their country and a resilience in the face of tragedy. The true American Spirit erupted and citizens were called to action!

As we remember that day and look to pay our respects to those who perished on September 11th, let us also remember those who, each day, are making sacrifices to protect us and ensure our freedom.  Some of us may choose to remember the past by focusing solely on the future. Others may feel quiet reflection is the most appropriate remembrance, while still others may seek out public memorial events.

Join Heroes on the Water as we honor and extend a sincere “Thank You” to Fire Fighters, Police Officers, First Responders, Members of our United States Armed Forces and American Citizens who put themselves in harm’s way. We truly appreciate you and all that you and your families give up for us every day so that we might live in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

Jim Dolan
PresidentHeroes on the Water

