In all my articles I try to tell the reader what I am using for gear on any particular outing. It is something I have always done and will continue to do. I have also written more than one article spouting off on the importance of supporting American workers by purchasing American made product. Well recently I decided to go through my gear and what I found disturbed me. I realized that I didn’t practice what I preached as much as I thought I did. This was especially true with my fishing gear and outdoor clothing. For that reason I decided, starting with the new year, to try to work with American made products as much as humanly possible. The results of my effort will appear as a series of articles right here on ODU.

In my fishing gear I had lures and other tackle made in every country imaginable. Most of my rods and reels were made in China. The market is full of these products and it is easy to be fooled as many are from American companies. Even worse than the fishing gear was my clothing. There has to be American products out there made by Americans. My goal is to find them.
In order to complete this challenge I need your help. If you know of an outdoor product, to include clothing, that is made in America (not an American company making their product overseas) please let me know. You can contact me through ODU. This is going to be a tough challenge, but I know it can be done. So there it is. I know this will be tough, but I think I can do it with your help.
By Dana Benner