Jake was fishing a youth derby in “Mount Laurel, NJ”. The pond was about a 1/2 acre and there were about 40 kids elbow to elbow around the little pond. The pond was located in a residential neighbor hood. He was using a minnow and had a 2-1/2 pounder on and lost him. Once we saw that there were some good bass in this pond, I tied a chatter bait on his rod and he wound up tying into that giant. 6#6oz. There were no prizes for 1st or second place. All the kids got an award for participating. Its safe to say that Jake’s bass could have eaten the second biggest catch that day.
Jake was stunned at the catch. He didn’t know they grew that big. Everybody in the event came over and congratulated Jake on the awesome catch. Especially the older dads that have fished for years and never caught one that big. The weather was very cold for May. Very windy and cold, but the fish were biting that day. Lots of bluegills and crappie were caught by all the kids.
ODU Magazine and ODU Media would like to thank our generous sponsors for putting together a great gift bag for our winner.
Daiichi: http://www.ttiblakemore.com/product-category/daiichi/
Fish, Frogs, and Fireflies: http://www.amazon.com/Fish-Frogs-Fireflies-Growing-Nature/dp/0990686205
Snag Proof Lures: http://www.snagproof.com/
Enter your own kids fishing photos into this monthly 2015 contest (https://www.odumagazine.com/youth-photo-contest/) and have a chance to win all the following: Daiichi Hooks, the the book “Fish, Frogs, and Fireflies: Growing up with Nature” , by Robert Montgomery and frogs from Snag Proof Lures.