Mule Deer Foundation Shrub Planting Request for Proposals

Mule Deer Foundation Shrub Planting Request for ProposalsThe Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) is seeking proposals for a five year contract to plant sagebrush in southern Idaho in areas recently burned by wildlife. The contractor will be assisting the MDF implement an Assistance Agreement with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) (and Idaho Fish and Game Department (IDFG) as a cooperator) aimed at restoring sagebrush in important mule deer winter range and sage grouse habitat. This project entails also providing written articles for MDF, public relation assistance, volunteer management and training, and compliance with BLM regulations. This is a five year project with available funding for the first 3 years with an expectation of the remaining 2 years to be funded in future. Planting for 2016 is anticipated to be October 3 – 16 with an extension if needed. A map of the planting areas is attached.

Proposals must be received via email by MDF by August 26, 2016 for consideration. Please send bid to Miles Moretti at and must include the following information:
1. Company name and contact person
2. Total bid per year
3. Experience in shrub planting
4. Experience in writing articles for outdoor publications
5. Experience in managing volunteers and outdoor projects

Duties will include:
• Plant up to 100,000 shrubs per year (600-1,000 acres) for 5 years in project areas identified by BLM/IDFG/MDF (planting period is Oct – Nov) at differing densities determined by BLM and IDFG.
• Provide quality control for planting crew
• Provide GPS data files and GIS shapefiles and maps of planted areas
• Provide at least 1 article suitable for publication in MDF magazine of project/partnership
• Provide information to MDF/BLM/IDFG for public relation actions
• Be available for any visits by key officials, news crews, etc. and be available for field interviews
• Assist MDF in promoting project in various outlets
• Assist MDF in volunteer recruitment and coordination for volunteer planting events
• Provide daily safety briefing for planting crews/volunteers
• Maintain roster of individuals on-site for project on daily basis
• Train MDF volunteers in shrub planting
• Supervise and coordinate MDF Volunteer planting events
• Provide camp services for MDF volunteer planting events
• Set-up field camp, operate field camp/HQ, break down field camp
• Ensure compliance with BLM operations, fire management, weed management, and refuse disposal
• Complete end of year project inspection with MDF project manager
• Assist in 2017-2020 project development (planting areas) For more information or questions please contact MDF Project manager, Steve Belinda, at or 307-231-3128.
