New Record IGFA Catches

Paul Worsteling golden trevally 2Aussie angler Paul Worsteling landed a 98 cm golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) on December 2nd after it crushed the Rapala plug he was trolling in Harvey’s Bay, Australia. After a tough 10 minute fight on spinning tackle, Worsteling was able to subdue the fish enough to bring into the boat, where it was quickly measured, photographed, and released alive – qualifying him for the potential new All-Tackle Length record. The current IGFA record is 63 cm.

Paul Worsteling golden trevally 1

Japanese angler Koichi Hiratsuka caught and released a massive 100 cm common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on December 1st while fishing Japan’s Lake Biwa. Hiratuka needed only 10 minutes to subdue the potential record after it inhaled the boilie bait he was fishing from the shore. Once landed, Hiratsuka quickly measured and documented the catch, before releasing it alive. If approved, the catch will become the new All-Tackle Length record, which currently stands at 89 cm.

Koichi Hiratsuka common carp 
