Anti-Gun Bill Rears its Ugly Head Before Oregon’s 2016 Legislative Session Convenes
– On Friday, January 15, the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee met during legislative days and introduced committee bills for the upcoming short session to convene on February 1st. NRA-ILA Daily Alert
Earlier this week, state Representative Lisa Subeck (D-Madison) released yet another legislative package of anti-gun bills that once again highlight the ignorance and arrogance of the individuals that will stop at nothing to attack the 2nd Amendment Rights of Wisconsin’s law-abiding gun owners. |
On January 26th, the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs will have a hearing to consider House Concurrent Resolution 5008. |
Yesterday, January 19, anti-gun advocates collected the required number of signatures for the Bloomberg gun control initiative in the November general election. |
Please attend the House Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for tomorrow, January 21st at 1:30 p.m., to discuss important legislation in Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building. |
Under the leadership of state Representatives Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley) and Terry Baxter (R-Garner), House File 2043 has been formally introduced in the Iowa General Assembly for the 2016 session. |
The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming 2016 Primary election is Monday, May 23, 2016, but there is no reason to wait. Register online right HERE. When you register, you can elect to permanently vote by mail so you don’t even have to drive to the polling place. Just mail back the official ballot that you will get in the mail. Your ballot will be sent to you well before Election Day. |
The surge of criminal background checks required of new gun purchasers has been so unrelenting in recent months that the FBI had been forced to temporarily halt the processing of thousands of appeals from prospective buyers whose firearm purchase attempts have been denied. |
A federal judge has rejected President Barack Obama’s assertion of executive privilege to deny Congress access to records pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious, a gunrunning probe that allegedly allowed thousands of weapons to flow across the border into Mexico. |
In the seven weeks since terrorists killed 14 people in San Bernardino, requests for concealed firearms permits have skyrocketed throughout the area, leading to crippling backlogs and massive delays at the public safety agencies that process applications. |
Yesterday a South Carolina legislator tweaked anti-gun news outlets by proposing a bill that would require journalists operating in that state to register and be approved by the government. The scheme is, of course, blatantly unconstitutional, which is the point. |
The first email was innocuous enough. For a small donation to his gubernatorial campaign, Gavin Newsom would put you in a drawing to join him at a Giants baseball game.But the lieutenant governor, it appears, has a wide open schedule and assumes you don’t have plans. |
Quebec is facing the first signs of revolt over its planned long-gun registry, an unexpected breach in a province regarded as the staunchest defender of gun-control measures in Canada. |