Arizona: Pro-Gun Bill Rescheduled for Committee Hearing Next Week
– As previously reported, this week the House Judiciary Committee hearing that was scheduled for Senate Bill 1266, the firearm preemption bill, was canceled. SB 1266 has now been rescheduled for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 16, at 8:00am. Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and politely urge them to support SB 1266.
On Wednesday, March 9, the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security unanimously passed Senate Bill 1271. SB 1271 would legalize private ownership of firearm suppressors. |
Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to amend House File 2314, the Carry Permit Reform and Information Protection Act. In its original form, HF 2314 would’ve helped clarify Iowa’s carry permit law; however, the amendment added to the bill in committee only makes the process more confusing. HF 2314 was passed along party lines by the Senate Judiciary Committee 8-4-1. |
Yesterday, three anti-gun bills passed their floor votes in the Hawaii House of Representatives. These bills will now head to the Senate for further consideration. |
On Wednesday, March 16, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is scheduled to hear Senate Bill 1040, the “Terrorist Watchlist” bill. |
Next Monday, March 14, Senate Bill 1389, NRA-endorsed permitless carry legislation, is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate State Affairs Committee at 8:00am. Time is crucial. Please contact the members of the Senate State Affairs Committee TODAY and politely urge them to SUPPORT SB 1389. |
Eight days after he escaped from the Warren County Jail, Rafael McCloud’s luck ran out.McCloud, 34, was found dead about 7 a.m. Thursday in the tub of a bathroom of a home he broke into, shot by the homeowner. |
Tomorrow, the Georgia Senate will hear and vote on House Bill 859. Sponsored by state Representative Rick Jasperse (R-11), NRA-backed HB 859 seeks to amend restrictions in state law by allowing law-abiding Georgia Weapons License (GWL) holders to carry when they are in or on certain buildings or real property owned by or leased to any public technical school, vocational school, college, university, or other institution of postsecondary education. |
On Monday, March 14, House Bill 5054 is scheduled for a public hearing in the Joint Committee on Judiciary. HB 5054 threatens both your Right to Keep and Bear Arms as well as your Fifth Amendment right to due process. It is critical that you contact the members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary and politely urge him them to oppose HB 5054. |
Billionaire gun control advocate Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Everytown for Gun Safety, continues to attack House Bill 786 — an NRA-backed, pro-self-defense bill that overwhelmingly passed the Mississippi House and will be considered in the coming weeks by the State Senate. |
Yesterday, March 9, NRA-backed suppressor legislation passed out of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. House Bill 500 will now move to the Senate floor for further consideration. Please contact your state Senator and politely urge him or her to support HB 500. |
Activity will only ramp up once President Barack Obama names someone to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia — a nomination Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other Republicans promise the chamber will never consider. Many expect Obama to announce his pick next week. |
People on both sides of the gun rights issue lined up to attend hearings on proposals on everything — from banning anyone on the no-fly list from getting a firearm, to a ban on weapons on college campuses. |
To hear many people talk in the past few weeks, the Legislature’s passage — then override of Gov. Tomblin’s veto — of the “constitutional carry” bill will bring lawlessness to the streets.But in reality, don’t expect much to change when House Bill 4145 takes effect. |
For years, Kentucky law has acknowledged that carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense is both a right and a need. |
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court was urged Wednesday to revive a law that would let the National Rifle Association and other groups pursue lawsuits against towns and cities that enact gun-control measures. |