124 Anti-gun Democrats Introduce Semi-Auto Gun and Magazine Ban in House of Representatives – On December 16, Rep. David Cicilline and 123 other anti-gun Democrat members of the House of Representatives introduced H.R. 4269, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015, a bill virtually identical to S. 150, introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) in the Senate in 2013. It is important to note that H.R. 4269, like other federal “assault weapon” bills introduced over the last decade, would not “reinstate” the federal “assault weapon ban” of 1994-2004. Gun control supporters have been using the word “reinstate” to mislead the American people into thinking they are proposing to renew the ban that expired in 2004. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
What a difference a few years—and Michael Bloomberg’s millions—can make. In April 2008, Hillary Clinton was battling Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. A mailing from her campaign that month questioned then-Sen. Obama’s professed support for the Second Amendment. “Where does Barack Obama really stand on guns?” it asked. “Depends on who Barack Obama is talking to,” the flyer jabbed, providing examples of Obama’s two-faced approach to the issue. |
Early on the morning of Christmas Eve, Jason Klein and his family were asleep in their Newark, Ohio home, when Klein was awakened by a suspicious noise. Klein retrieved a .40-caliber handgun and went over to a sliding door in his bedroom that goes out onto a deck in order to investigate. When Klein opened the door he came upon a burglar attempting to break into the house. Klein held the would-be thief at gun-point until police could arrive. Speaking with a local news outlet, Klein shared his thoughts that the burglar may have been after the Christmas presents for the six children and two grandchildren in their family that were placed under a well-lit Christmas tree. Klein went on to tell reporters, “I think the guy was either going to try to steal something or come in and hurt my family… Maybe he won’t rob somebody else next time.” |
In June, during one of the best stretches of his presidency, Barack Obama strode through a West Wing hallway exclaiming: “Offense! Stay on offense!”It was a rallying cry for a White House that suddenly seemed to find its footing in the final quarter of Obama’s tenure. |
As a group, persons with permits to carry concealed firearms are far less likely to commit a crime than the general public. Gun-control groups gleefully pounce on the rare exceptions, but the plural of anecdote is not data — and the data are clear.Those facts did not dissuade Attorney General Mark Herring from issuing a new decree under which Virginia will cease to honor the concealed-carry permits from most of the states with which Virginia has a reciprocal-recognition agreement. |
Several recent events and opinions have resurrected consideration of an assault rifle ban along with a ban on large capacity ammunition clips. Many Americans believe that such a ban may make mass killings less likely. If it were that simple, it would have happened decades ago. |