Texas Governor to Obama on Executive Gun Control: ‘COME AND TAKE IT’ – Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s response on Twitter to Obama saying he will be imposing more gun control – “COME AND TAKE IT.” The Texas Governor who himself graced the front of a Texas Monthly magazine cover armed with a shotgun, tweeted, “Obama wants to impose more gun control. My response.#? COME AND TAKE IT @NRA #tcot #PJNET”
President Obama will hold a live town hall on gun control at 8 p.m. EST Thursday on CNN, the network announced Sunday morning. CNN’s Anderson Cooper will host the event. Obama is expected to spend next week developing an executive order on expanding background checks for purchases at gun shows. In his weekly address, Obama referred to gun control as “unfinished business” and said he plans to meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch this week to figure out what options he has for an executive order. |
The National Rifle Association has opened a new membership drive to build its ranks for a “winner-take-all” shootout with liberals like President Obama and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton over the future of gun ownership and the Second Amendment. “Unless you and I stand shoulder-to-shoulder in this winner-take-all fight, it’s only a matter of time before we lose our guns, our heritage, and our freedom,” wrote Wayne LaPierre, the NRA executive vice president in a new membership letter. |