RA Launches Website to Protect Nevadans’ Freedoms
– Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action is launching an informational website to stop the Californication of Nevadans’ gun rights. The VoteNoQuestion1 website exposes the truth about how a universal background check would criminalize the commonplace activities of many Nevada gun owners.
As previously reported, House Joint Resolution 1009 ran into an obstacle in the House Conference Committee on Rules. |
Yesterday, the Delaware House of Representatives passed House Bill 289 by a 36-3 vote. |
NRA Fact Checks Everytown for Gun Safety’s Missouri Television Ad |
A federal appeals court on Wednesday will revisit the legality of Maryland’s ban on certain semiautomatic firearms passed after the 2012 mass shooting at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school. |
The largest state law enforcement union in California announced its opposition Monday to a plan that would restrict gun rights, dubbed the Safety For All Act. It is not good news for Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the plan’s leading proponent. |
Arizona residents 21 and over are already allowed to carry concealed weapons without a permit. One bill signed by Ducey safeguards their rights to carry those weapons on or near school grounds as long as it’s on a public street, sidewalk or alley maintained by a municipality. |
Democratic state lawmakers on Monday moved to block Gov. Chris Christie’s effort to expand access to handgun carry permits in New Jersey, claiming they have the constitutional authority to throw out his proposed changes to the permitting process. |
Please take a moment to read this important update from the Coalition for Civil Liberties on the Newsom ballot initiative and the ever growing number of groups coming out in strong opposition. |
This morning, Governor Doug Duceysigned two important pro-gun bills, Senate Bill 1266 and House Bill 2338. SB 1266 is an important bill which ensures consistency in gun laws throughout the state by strengthening the state’s current preemption statutes. HB 2338 would prevent educational institutions from adopting policies that would prohibit individuals from lawfully possessing or carrying a firearm in their vehicle (means of transportation) or on their person, on a public right-of-way. |