I am married with three boys and live in Rochester Hills, Michigan. I grew up with a love for the outdoors and began my outdoor adventure shooting outdoor photography early in life but as time went by I had an incredible urge to want to take up bow hunting. Then at the early age of 48 I began practicing and had much help and input from friends who already had been hunting for many years. I spend a lot of time reading about hunting and talking to as many hunters as possible absorbing as much as possible to learn as much as possible. I have also re connected with fishing in the last 3 years and enjoy kayak fishing a great deal.
I wanted GarysOutdoorNewsandReviews.net to be a hub to help those who were new to hunting and those who had been bow hunting for some time. On the website I wrote about products from manufacturers in a informative and non-bias manner. The website is no longer and now devote my time to my my own blog on Facebook called “Garys Outdoor News and Reviews” and provide hunting, fishing news and videos as well as my informative reviews.
Now after 8 years I not only write for Bowhunting.net but also World Fishing Network as an Ambassador and provide content for “Other Stuff” on the site. Now a new opportunity at ODU Magazine and website to contribute my gear reviews.
I look forward to my new path in my adventure!