It’s down to final paper work and then a Judges Panel, but it looks like a new Pope & Young World’s Record Stone’s sheep was taken in
northern British Columbia.
Stanley Walchuk, Jr. took the current Pope & Young World’s Record Stone’s sheep from the Tetsa River region of British Columbia in 1992. This rams scores 174-2/8. Jim Hens arrowed a ram in northern BC on November 7th, 2011 that P&Y Officials have scored at 179-1/8. Before becoming the official new P&Y World’s Record there is additional paperwork pending and a judges panel will convene, which is protocol for all pending World’s Record trophies.
The Boone and Crockett Club World’s Record Stone’s sheep remains the L.S. Chadwick ram taken in 1936 from the Muskwa River in BC. This legendary trophy scores 196-6/8 and is considered by many to be North America’s greatest trophy.