A common early season occurrence at campgrounds is when campers discover one or more gear items are not up to par. The first camping trip of the year is a bad time to realize that gear maintenance was neglected or taken for granted. Simply dusting off the tent bag and shaking out the spider webs from the cooler handles doesn’t count as gear maintenance.
If end of year gear maintenance was taken care of, then your gear should hit the campground running on the next outing. But for most campers, gear maintenance is usually put on the back burner as a “winter project” — and then forgotten about. So if you are in this latter group, why not get it done to avoid any distressing surprises on the next camping trip? Following a list is an easy means to handle gear maintenance, and playing with the gear can also raise your spirits for springtime adventure.

Using your camping gear packing list, you know, the one you use before each trip. What? You don’t use a packing list? Maybe it’s time to utilize a list, to not only keep from leaving stuff behind, but to use as a maintenance checklist. Even small, minor camping gear items could use a little attention, such as tablecloth clips and campfire grate spatula for example. The first could use a quick coat of paint and the spatula a good wire brushing to deep clean it. Things like those are easily overlooked on gear maintenance day. The big items such as the tent, cooler, cook stove and sleeping bags typically get the care — hopefully so, anyway. The complete gear list will bring the small stuff to your attention.
Start at the top of the list and one by one, your camping gear collection will begin to shape up and be ready for the next campout. Some things that may not be on your camping packing list, such as your kayak, mountain bike, fishing rods and reels could likely use a good look over also. While doing so, you may recall some ideas gained when fishing from your kayak, on how to rig it for better fishing. The point is, prepare (or replace with new) gear now to avoid let downs at camp or while pursuing the highlighted activity resulting from the trip.
Watch video: Essential Camping Gear You Can Afford
This article 1st appear on Bass Pro Shops 1Source and was written by Robert Loewendick.