Event coordinator Theresa Ellershaw and a host of HKOF program volunteers and supporters also play a significant role in this process.
In St. Marks, south of Tallahassee and at the eastern edge of Florida’s Panhandle, Captain Mike McNamara and his team are preparing for their annual HKOF program. At the same time, Jason Wolf, manager of Mote Marine Laboratory’s Protect Our Reef Program in Key West is preparing for their 6th Annual Florida Keys Ocean Festival & Waterfront Craft Show which host our HKOF program. In fact, hundreds of volunteers and sponsors come together to make these HKOF programs possible each year.
At the same time, founder of the Advance Teen Angler Camp and AFC board member, Mike Conneen begins scheduling dates, and recruiting volunteers and sponsors for the ATAC’s 2015 summer dates.
Yes there is a price to pay for using recreational fishing as a tool to inspire and educate new marine stewards. However, the rewards are endless, priceless and unobtainable any other way. Volunteer for an upcoming program; it’s an unforgettable experience. Contact Heather Sears at Heather@AnglersForConservation.org for more information on becoming a volunteer.
Rodney Smith, President
Anglers for Conservation