We learn more about the legal issues surrounding wolves and the impact they’ve had on elk from an attorney who’s helped RMEF. Plus, country music artist Chuck Wicks hunts big hulls in New Mexico. RMEF Position on Wolf Management – The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
maintains that science and biology are key facets in maintaining a sustainable population of wolves and a balanced landscape for elk and other wildlife. As spelled out in the original, federally-approved recovery plan, which was agreed upon by all parties involved, individual states should manage wolves as they do every other species—elk, deer, bears, antelope, lions, etc. State management would take effect as wolf numbers reached previously stated criteria allowing for a viable population. (In the Northern Rockies, for example, that meant a minimum of 150 wolves and 15 breeding pairs in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming respectively, which reached those levels in the early 2000s. Today, the wolf population exceeds the original minimum recovery goal by 400 to 500 percent. Read more —- http://www.rmef.org/NewsandMedia/PressRoom/PredatorManagementControl/Newsroom/RMEFPositiononWolfManagement.aspx