As soon as it was printed anglers wanted one to help them determine the weight of their fish while being able to minimize handling, and to help the salmon recover quickly and be released successfully.
Now we have the latest plasticized, printed 3 in. x 5 in. salmometers that will fit in any pocket, and won’t turn to a ball of wet pulp after a day on the water. The scale, as in the past two printings has both English and French texts, and both inch/pound and centimetre/kilogram tables.
If you would like one mailed to you, email your request with a full mailing address and we will send one out to you. If you are asking for a group, please contact ASF’s Directors of Regional Programs in each of the regions with details. Quebec | New Brunswick | Nova Scotia | Newfoundland | Maine .
On Sept. 9 Tom Harkness brings in a 15 lb salmon at Deer Landing on the Bonaventure River.
On Sept. 9 Tom Harkness brought in a 15 lb salmon at Deer Landing on the Bonaventure River, and released it to continue its journey uptstream to spawning beds.
Remember to check out ASF’s Live Release Video, which now has had more than 22,000 views since being released earlier this year. It is just a beautiful video to watch, and will help improve your live release techniques as well.