Special-Needs Girl Kills 335-Pound Black Bear, Courtesy USSA

An 11-year-old girl in need of a heart and liver transplant had her wish come true when she killed a 335-pound black bear.

Taken out on one of the last bear hunts of the season in Junction City, Wisconsin, on Sunday Kaitlynn Bessette had to wait until the last day of her trip before she managed to take down the huge beast with one shot to the heart.

‘When I looked through that scope I didn’t see it as a bear, I saw it as a 300 pound lion that’s about to attack you, so I held the gun as steady as I could, I turned my head and than I shot,’ said Kaitlynn who has always dreamed of being part of a successful bear hunt.

Diagnosed with Triscuspid atresia at birth, desperately ill Kaitlynn was able to take part in the hunting trip because of the United Special Sportsman Alliance.

The group was founded to enable children with disabilities to achieve goals such as kayaking, fishing and hunting that they might not have thought were possible.

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