Cliff Schleusner is Chief of our Southwest Region’s Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program. He oversees the program in Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, where he lives. Here, he tells us about an outdoors tradition he happily carries on.

Spring: It’s the most wonderful time of the year in New Mexico. The woods are alive with sights and sounds, none greater than the courtship display of wild turkeys. New Mexico is graced with three of the six subspecies of the wily bird—Rio Grande, Merriam’s, Gould’s—from Raton to Rodeo. More than 14,000 hunters will go afield before turkey hunting season ends May 10 trying to fool a strutting tom into shotgun or bow range.
For the uninitiated, it’s more difficult than it appears to outwit a wild turkey. And you can count me among those who spent days sitting stock-still in the ponderosa forest on a cold morning yelping and cutting with a box call at daybreak hoping to hear that signature response sound that speaks to turkeys nearby. Turkey hunting requires alertness and awareness—a Zen-like living in the moment—like no other endeavor.
Lucky for me I have the privilege to be in the woods this spring once again with my aging father and my teenage son. With my boy, I will do what my dad has done with me going on 45-plus years. It has become ritual with my family and many others alike.
But were it not for conservation, that ritual may have never come to be. There was a time that wild turkey faced extirpation from unregulated market-commodity harvest and ruined habitats. The woods were hushed in April.
The tide turned 80 years ago with the passage of the Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937, commonly called the Pittman-Robertson Act, named for the authors of the federal legislation. It was an ingenious law.
Few are the folks who actually enjoy paying more in taxes, but you can count hunters among those who do. The Wildlife Restoration Act was supported by organized sportsmen and -women, state fish and game agencies, and industry to tax firearms and ammunition with the proceeds going specifically to wildlife conservation.
The outcome has been nothing short of remarkable: State agencies have for 80 years been assured of a steady stream of funding based on license sales and purchase of hunting gear. It’s no coincidence that the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish began trapping and relocating wild turkey in 1939, two years into the new law, to ensure the expanding population was comprised of genetically robust animals. In 1940, the agency bought a reach of the Rio Cebolla in the Jemez Mountains for waterfowl conservation, today’s Fenton Lake State Park. That was followed on by the purchase of an eight-mile reach of the Cimarron River and adjacent uplands and many other wildlife management areas across the state, including large tracts of short-grass prairie, prime lesser prairie-chicken habitats. The law funded scientific wildlife research, habitat management and restocking of wildlife. The agency was the first in the country to capture and relocate pronghorn at a time when the population was an anemic 2,400 animals. All this was facilitated by a tax on sporting arms.
In 1950, the Sport Fish Restoration Act was added to the mix to do for fish what the former law did for wildlife. In eight decade’s time, more than $18 billion has been returned to the states for conservation.
When you buy that new turkey gun, arrows or a new bow, a box of shotgun shells or fishing tackle you should know you are making an investment in conservation’s cycle of success. As much as 11 percent of your purchase will be divvied to the state fish and game agencies and returned to you in the form of science-based wildlife and fisheries conservation; you’ll help pay the salary of a game warden; you will buy fuel for aircraft that carry wildlife biologists who conduct aerial big game or waterfowl surveys to inform future decisions. Your money will feed Rio Grande cutthroat trout destined to be restored to a high mountain stream. And even if hunting and fishing are not your thing, the conservation supports plenty of nongame wildlife, too.
In New Mexico, more than 200,000 people annually buy hunting and fishing licenses. This supports more than 7,900 jobs contributing more than $800 million in spending and labor while putting another $106.5 million back into the public coffers as income and sales tax revenue. Certainly hunting and fishing is an economic boon for New Mexico.
But the greatest dividends for me have immeasurable value: the splendor of watching the first light of day awaken the woods; the sound of a talking tom turkey fills the air from the ridge above me while I sit next to those who I love the most. I will never grow tired of these experiences.