Structure FC: Sunline America

SunlineSunline America is proud to announce that it is introducing a new technique specific fluorocarbon line called Structure FC. Sunline Pro member Mike McClelland was behind the creation of this specialty line, working very closely with the Sunline development team. Structure FC was developed for long cast ability and added sensitivity for fishing in deep water conditions.

Structure FC was designed to excel in structure techniques like football heads, Carolina and umbrella rigs because of its high abrasion resistance and low stretch characteristics.  It features triple resin processing to give it superior abrasion resistance to hold up against the rocks, shells and wood encountered with use in structure situation.

The low stretch and high density of the E2 raw material used in the makeup of Structure FC allows for better hook sets and superior sensitivity on long casts in open water situations. Another key factor in the makeup of Structure FC is the small diameter to pound test.

Structure FC comes in 165yrd spool size and comes in 14lb, 16lb, 18lb, 20lb, 22lb and 25lb test.

To see all of the full line up of the lines that Sunline America has to offer the fishermen please log onto
