Fishing a 10-inch worm – By Lee Bailey Jr.
Mention plastic worms to most bass anglers and they visualize slim-profile baits 6 or 7 inches long – the kind that were the soft-plastic staple for decades. All anglers know about them, but in recent […]
Mention plastic worms to most bass anglers and they visualize slim-profile baits 6 or 7 inches long – the kind that were the soft-plastic staple for decades. All anglers know about them, but in recent […]
Story by AD CRABLE | Staff Writer from http://lancasteronline.com. Lancaster County bass anglers and guides who have complained vociferously against a closed spring season may be getting their wish. The staff of the Pennsylvania Fish […]
The United States Senate recently passed a comprehensive new water infrastructure bill, containing language that will likely be alarming to be many bass anglers — especially those who value the incredible fishery on the California […]
Story by Billy “Hawkeye” Decoteau, For Z-Man Lures. Most bass anglers within the northeast have winterized and stowed their bass boats come November. Turning to woodland hunting grounds, the thought of pursuing Black Bass on […]
Bass anglers understand the importance of sharp hooks, though most don’t practice their hook sharpening skills often enough. The new Berkley® Fusion19™ hooks give novice and avid anglers the sharpest hooks that stay sharper longer than any […]
NEVER STOP LEARNING is our motto and our mission for you, our students! The Bass University classes give all bass anglers the tools and education that they need to catch more big bass. Classroom instruction […]
Bass anglers oftentimes do not fish for crappie and crappie anglers do not fish for bass. In fact, disdain for each other is very common. However, each group could improve their angling skills by fishing […]
Most anglers have an opinion about how moon phase affects bass catch. In many cases, these opinions are supported by many years of fishing, so I do not discount them. But who to believe? A […]
Bullet Weights® continues to expand its line of products for bass anglers with new tungsten drop shot sinkers. “Tungsten sinkers are preferred in certain fishing applications by many avid bass anglers, and drop shotting has […]
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