Rapala Scatter Rap Shad Deep
One of the best multi-species, all-season crankbait lineups just got better with the release of the Scatter Rap® Shad Deep. Combining the inimitable balsa buoyancy and baitfish body of a Shad Rap® with a deep-diving […]
One of the best multi-species, all-season crankbait lineups just got better with the release of the Scatter Rap® Shad Deep. Combining the inimitable balsa buoyancy and baitfish body of a Shad Rap® with a deep-diving […]
Working for a Better Tomorrow.To better protect and sustain the fisheries, water quality and healthy habitats needed to support recreational fishing, anglers will need to return to nature a little of what they have taken […]
There are many ways to tip the odds in your favor when you’re angling for the next big catch. One of the easiest, least expensive and most effective is by spooling up with line that’s […]
Do you know of any one lure that is so versatile it can be used to catch brook trout in a cold northern Wisconsin trout stream or redfish in south Louisiana salt water? That lure […]
Dropper rigs are generally rigs that you drop down the water column and still fish. The bait is either suspended in the water column by a float [or bobber]or a weight sitting on the bottom. […]
I recently received an inquiry from an angler about to purchase his first dropshot rod and was looking for advice on whether he could use a regular rod, or would need something more specific. I […]
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports Jason Reynolds of Warsaw became the most recent record-setting angler in Missouri when he hooked a spotted bass on Truman Lake on a jug line. The new “alternative […]
Current episodes of Blue Fish Radio. http://www.bluefishcanada.ca/ Title: E88 Aquarium of the Bay and the Bay Institute: Description: Listen as Brian Baird, Director of Ocean and Coastal Programs at San Francisco’s Bay Institute, discusses the […]
Early season musky fishing requires long casts with slow retrieves. Cold-water means musky are lethargic and in the shallows where they find warmer water. Keeping your distance is necessary as these shallow-water fish spook easily. […]
Here’s a sneak peek at new trophy fish lures from Savage Gear to be introduced at the 2016 ICAST Show in Orlando, Florida this July: the all-new Savage Gear Suicide Duck and Rat. The Suicide Duck […]
“I heard red snapper season is closed?” The angry offshore angler’s yell caught me off guard. He was standing at the helm of his 25 Ft. World Cat, waiting at the ramp for a buddy […]
It was hard to hear Jorge Bogantes Montero above the din of traffic helicopters circling over Washington, DC, as he described the handful of muddy shells he and a small team had just dug from […]
Seal pupping season is underway in New England. If you are headed to the beach this Memorial Day weekend, you might see a seal pup resting on the beach. There is no selfie stick long […]
Commercial and recreational saltwater fishing in the United States generated more than $214 billion in sales and supported 1.83 million jobs in 2014, according to a new economic report released by NOAA Fisheries today. The […]
Check out the Clam Quick-Set Summer Contest, to enter: 1. Like us on Facebook 2. Take a picture of any Quick-Set and post on Facebook with #quicksetsummercontest or fill out the form on http://clamoutdoors.com/quick-set-contest 3. […]
Catching summertime crappie from the bank can be pretty easy, providing you go into it with a solid fishing plan. Shore fishing allows you to escape the pleasure boaters and jet skiers, and with a […]
No matter where his busy tournament schedule takes him, Randall Tharp nearly always spends at least part of each practice day searching for thick cover where he can use his favorite technique, a heavy tackle […]
At least for me, crappie fishing kicks off the fishing season for the year. It’s hard juggling my spring season with bear and turkey hunting opening, morels are out and when the crappie fishing lights […]
Top guides reveal three tricks for tagging fish at the plate. Every guide worth his salt has one. You know, that sneaky trick up his sleeve that always keeps his clients’ rods bent. Cold fronts, […]
Every Marcum has the attributes and proprietary technology that make it best-in-class. At any price-point, high to low, you can be confident that no matter which Marcum you choose, it’ll be the very pinnacle of […]
Free-wheeling jigging strategies for early season success. In the early weeks of the open-water walleye season, post-spawn fish disperse onto flats and along breaklines, where they put the feedbag on before heading off to their summer […]
Well I just got a new package from Big Carp Tackle and needed to stock up on a few items. In the video you can see products from Korda CC Moore with quite a few […]
Ply bent-over bulrushes for epic shallow-water walleyes. In this two-part article I will discuss how one of the best early-season walleye bites coincides with the shiner spawn each year. Part one will concentrate on the […]
A new bait and some old standbys should produce limits of walleyes this spring, say leading Minnesota guides. When the season opens, Tom Neustrom will be throwing Rapala®’s new Shadow Rap® and VMC® Moon Eye […]
Florida has a growing reputation for big flathead catfish. More and more anglers are targeting the big cats for the shear fun of catch and release fishing. Smaller flatheads are great for the dinner table, […]
Participants removed 8,089 lionfish in only two days at the May 14-15 Gulf Coast Lionfish Coalition Tournament out of Pensacola. More than 7,000 people (more than double last year’s numbers) attended the Florida Fish and […]
Tony Lor is a young Hmong American who loves the world of fishery. He’s from Saint Paul Minnesota, the state of 10,000 lakes. Tony Lor, at the age of 27 now has been fishing in […]
My favorite lures are spoons. I have had many I trusted, but since the arrival of Mepps Little Wolf I have cleaned out my tackle box and stocked it full of every color and combination […]
Yobi Adventures officially announces the opening of an online community marketplace designed to assist fly-fishing enthusiasts in planning and booking trips. Like Airbnb, navigating the website is easy and provides a single source for detailed […]
What a great example of growing and managing your States own trophy bass fishery! During Sunday’s final round of the A.R.E. Truck Caps Bassmaster Elite at Toledo Bend, Hank Cherry of Maiden, N.C., landed a 14-inch […]
Soft plastic baits are very popular for enticing bass. In recent years, a couple of lure-types have gained high regard among bass anglers. Stick-baits and flukes are two categories of soft plastics that have exploded […]
Great news for anglers who like to catch big fish. Northland Fishing Tackle has expanded is already admirable arsenal of spinnerbaits and in-line spinners aimed at giant muskies, northern pike and other beefy predators. The […]
The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that James Lucas of O’Fallon became the most recent record-breaking angler in Missouri when he snagged a skipjack herring on the Mississippi River. The new “alternative method” record […]
While location may be the most critical variable for treasure hunting success, the actual practice is equal parts science and fun. Utilizing the latest user-friendly features and technology, Ground EFX concentrates on the science, so […]
Springtime Sailfishing is a lot different than winter, where we do a lot of trolling ballyhoo, kite fishing or slow trolling live baits to cover water and hopefully find fish. In the spring, the fish […]
You know those shallow, cover-laden flats where you wouldn’t want to be a frog because of the bass? Those are exactly the kinds of places where you want to fish a Rebel Pop’N Frog and […]
To catch big crappies this spring, target shallow reeds and wood with VMC® jigs and Trigger X® soft baits once water temps hits 42 to 44 degrees. When the water warms to the upper 40s, […]
Superstar professional angler Kevin VanDam often deals with a different set of circumstances than the average angler on the Bassmaster Elite Series. With such a sparkling resume, many fans’ expectations for VanDam are much higher. […]
Spring and early summer can produce some of the best walleye fishing of the season. Post-spawn fish are quick to recover and begin feeding in northern latitudes, as the growing season is short. Two primary […]
In some parts of the Midwest spring is upon us earlier than usual. A lot of anglers are visiting sporting goods stores to look at fishing stuff. One popular item this time of year are […]
Lure fads come and go, but fish still fall for the Original Floating Rapala. And they always will. “To me, it’s the purest form of an artificial lure that there is,” says Bassmaster Elite Series […]
The biggest thing Kevin VanDam has caught so far this week has been himself. But there could be far bigger catches ahead of him if he remains on his current path at the A.R.E. Truck […]
Anglers for Conservation is proud to announce the third year of Advanced Teen Anglers Camp (ATAC). ATAC is a two-day camp geared towards teens 12-17. This camp will help fine tune the skills of any […]
When you ask a famous pro basser like Abu Garcia pro Mike Iaconelli what items comprise his Three Must Haves to be successful on tour many folks would figure something unique. Something unheard of, etc., […]
Kevin VanDam wanted badly to fish offshore during the three-day practice period for the A.R.E. Truck Caps Bassmaster Elite at Toledo Bend. But a steady 20-mph wind just wouldn’t allow it. The winds died Thursday […]
Commercial fisherman David Haworth offers fresh Pacific bluefin tuna for sale to markets and individuals in his home of San Diego. Haworth found that the demand for bluefin started to decline last season. He thinks […]
The Penobscot River was once teeming with fish. In the early 1800s, an estimated 14-20 million alewives, 75,000-100,000 Atlantic salmon, and 3-5 million American shad were returning. This is not so today. The 12 species […]
The fight to save Minnesota’s beloved lakes and rivers from aquatic invasive species is long-running, but a new partnership between the Mississippi Headwater Board and Fishing The WildSide has forged fresh battle plans to stop […]
Springtime has many different memories and feelings for us all. For some it is the excitement of finally hitting the banks after a long winter and for others it is a reflection of previous years […]
If you’re a river fisherman, it’s said that a steelhead is the fish of 10,000 casts. The same holds true for lake fishermen targeting tiger muskie. A tiger muskie is a sterile hybrid cross between […]
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