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Fishing News - Fresh

How to not get lost in the Maine woods

Recent stories have created lots of interest in how to not get lost in thet woods and, more importantly, what to do if it happens. Being lost might seem like an unlikely concept, given that […]

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Fishing News - Fresh

NEW Michigan State Fishing Records

 The Department of Natural Resources confirmed two new state-record fish last week for brown bullhead and black buffalo. The state record for brown bullhead was beat by a fish caught by Jared Gusler of Fairview […]

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Catfish Fishing

Catfish Spawn Brings Hot Fishing

Water temperatures are climbing into the upper 70s, sending channel catfish to rocky banks in reservoirs to spawn. June is one of the most productive months to fish for them. Channels like crevices to spawn […]

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Hunting News

Watchdog Group Calls on 12 State Attorneys General to Investigate the Deceptive Fundraising of HSUS, a project of the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), has petitioned 12 state Attorneys General to investigate the deceptive fundraising practices of the animal rights group Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). […]