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Hunting News

BoarBuster Hog Trapping System (VIDEO)

The BoarBuster is a research-based, cutting-edge trapping system developed as a solution for managing the nation’s exploding feral hog population. It is a fully suspended corral trap that can be observed and dropped remotely from […]

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Bass Fishing

Patrick Sebile and Crankbaits

Shallow running crankbaits like the Sebile Bull Minnow are effective in fall. One need only follow his exploits on Facebook to realize that this designer of fishing tackle is a dedicated angler of vast world […]

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Bass Fishing

Suspending Largemouth Bass

Keep in mind that the bass are not suspended in open water in the middle of nowhere.  They usually are relating to the end of a deep point, a channel, ledge, sunken island or whatever […]