Whitetail Deer Hunting

U.S. Hunters Take More Mature Bucks Than Yearlings for Second Year in a Row
U.S. whitetail hunters took more mature bucks than 1½-year-old or “yearling” bucks for the second consecutive year – and the second year ever in modern history – according to data compiled by the Quality Deer […]

It’s All About A Giant Possible Record Buck In Iowa
Austin Pontier shot this giant of a whitetail close to Osceola, Iowa, on November 6 and word has it that the trophy has unheard of mass. When you evaluate the images, any seasoned hunter could […]

8 Tips For Avoiding a Deer-Vehicle Collision
As the peak of the rut approaches in most of the whitetail’s range, so does the peak of deer-vehicle collisions. The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) offers suggestions based on scientific research to help […]

Ameristep: No Scent, No Shine, No Sound
The senses of the North American whitetail and wild turkey are highly evolved. Their uncanny abilities to detect predators are astonishing and must be respected. Anyone who’s hunted either of these wary game animals has […]

Ice Fishing Fever Catches Fire Early
Even while soft water still covers lakes and rivers across the North, industry insiders report that the ice fishing season is already off to a strong start. “I’ve been in and around ice fishing promotions […]

Deer With Warts, Are They Safe?
Each year, hunters across the whitetail’s range encounter deer with “warts,” like the buck in the photo above, sent to us by QDMA member Evan Heusinkveld. The growths on these deer are cutaneous fibromas and […]

Whitetail Hunting Blinds
Hunters seeking a blind with the perfect combination of great features and a great price need to look no further than the Whitetail Hunting Blind from Advantage Blinds. The Whitetail Blind is a more economical […]

Pope & Young Summer Fundraiser Drawing Underway
The Pope & Young Club announces 3 great prizes in their Summer 2014 Special Drawing! All proceeds go to benefit the Club’s Conservation and Outreach Fund. Third Prize – 2015 P&Y National Convention Package. Join […]

Tink’s Predator Attractant Products
Tink’s® line of predator scent products offers a variety of lure options that have the power to fool the smartest predators in a variety of situations. Lure finicky predators in range with a wide variety […]