Rattling Tools For Big Bucks
Few things are as exciting in the whitetail deer world as rattling in mature bucks. For decades, hunters have been banging together antlers to get the attention of mature bucks. Flextone has made it easier […]
Few things are as exciting in the whitetail deer world as rattling in mature bucks. For decades, hunters have been banging together antlers to get the attention of mature bucks. Flextone has made it easier […]
WZZM Reported This Interesting Story – There have been some staggering numbers connected to the potential world-record whitetail deer killed last week in Tennessee. But the most amazing number of all might be the value […]
Throughout the years, most of us have had to rely on our own experiences or reading about the experiences of others to improve our hunting success. The problem is we sometimes draw the wrong conclusions […]
Illinois hunters bagged more than 97,000 whitetail deer during the state’s seven-day firearm season this fall, but the one Richard Lomas bagged near Mount Erie, Ill., was one of the most unusual. Lomas, a resident […]
Reported first by ajc.com. After days of tracking a whitetail deer in Sumner County, Tennessee, a hunter bagged the buck Monday and might have set a new world record. Stephen Tucker, 26, bagged the deer […]
It’s no doubt that soybeans are an amazing source of protein for deer. Whitetail deer are fairly intelligent when it comes to their feeding habits and preferences and nine times out of ten, deer will […]
A biting wind tears at the face like sandpaper. Cold chills your body to the core. Late season bowhunting is not for those less than fully committed. Weather and a reduced deer herd make for […]
The www.GrowingDeer.tv hunters are experts at growing food plots to grow healthier deer and provide better deer hunting. In this video, they share some of the techniques they have learned through experience that work to […]
A must for any bowhunter’s or whitetail deer enthusiast’s personal library, the Bowhunting Records of North American Whitetail Deer series is designed as a handy, information packed resource tool. State and provincial listings
The Boone and Crockett Club acknowledges Endangered Species Day, Friday, May 15, 2015, with both celebration and concern. Endangered Species Day recognizes our nation’s efforts to protect critically rare species and their habitats.
If it is your goal to finds that records class buck then look to the record books for just what areas produce them. Records of big deer and press stories about hunter success are available […]
This was probably the safest way to untangle the whitetail buck that was locked up with a buck that was already dead. Here’s what the YouTube video caption says: South Lake Minnetonka Officers received a […]
Every year in February and March as the gloom of winter subsides and deer hunters begin to get cabin fever, it is time to go deer hunting again. One can hunt deer in the spring. […]
All too often we spend more time dressing up our ground blinds and treestands with too little thought about where to place them. That often is a big mistake. Be aware of prevailing winds. Try […]
Problems facing whitetail deer populations are numerous and profound all across America; and sportsmen and women are the ones on the front line discussing, researching and eventually solving these issues. In conjunction with Whitetail Properties, […]
Early season bowhunting requires tactics needed are different from those in the late fall and early winter. Daytime temperatures are much higher and the deer move less. Warmer daytime temperatures lead to more sluggish deer […]
Aging whitetail bucks while they’re still alive is really an art. The ability to look at a deer and within mere moments being able to derive its age is something many hunters aspire to be […]
Fire and smoke belch out of the barrel. Once the smoke clears we have the opportunity to see if the bullet found its mark. Just as our forbearers in the Midwest did we are hunting […]
David Whitworth was sure he had caught a state-record fish. The massive carp he caught in a downstate lake earlier this summer weighed 63 pounds, according to one scale. But Whitworth, a strong advocate of […]
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