A Tennessee teenager killed a “monster” 27-point buck in Benton County in late December. 13-year-old Bo Ezell woke up on Dec. 28 wanting to go squirrel-hunting, but had a change of plans when a friend called and reportedly asked him to shoot a buck spotted behind her house. Bo, not expecting to see the buck, took his time getting ready before heading over to his friend’s house. According to Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA),

Bo and the friend noticed the buck that “looked like it had a big bush on its head” down near the creek. TWRA said the giant buck looked directly at the teen as he fired shots. “I got rattled and just started shaking,” Bo told TWRA. He ended up hitting the deer three times in what he calls a “crazy hunt.” The buck has 27 scorable points and has been green rough gross scored of 213 7/8 and 6.5 years old, according to TWRA.
Check Out More Giant Taken this Season – https://www.odumagazine.com/topics/hunting_archery/deer-hunting/
B&C TROPHY ENTRY REQUIREMENTS – Once a trophy has been officially measured there are a series of steps that need to be completed to insure the efficient and accurate processing of the trophy entry. The most obvious and basic item needed to enter a trophy is a fully completed, current, original score chart, signed and dated by an Official Measurer appointed by the Boone and Crockett Club. Photocopies of score charts, as well as incomplete score charts, are unacceptable. Entries submitted on Pope and Young Club score charts, or on outdated score charts, are also unacceptable. When an entry is not submitted on the correct (and properly completed) score chart, all other processing steps must wait until a correct and accurate original score chart is received. Learn more – https://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords/Records_entry.asp?area=bgRecords&ID=416327E9&se=1&te=1