the wintertime in Northern Ontario.
But, here’s is an important point to consider. When you’re ice fishing in the northern half of fish-filled Ontario, you’re allowed to use two lines. So, it is always a wise strategy to bait your second rod with a lure other than a tube jig.
When you do this, it shows the fish something different and offers them a alternative meal. And many days, the trout will tell you they find the dessert that you’re presenting to them to be more appealing than the main course.
Case in point: I was ice fishing for lake trout one time on Thunder Bay in Lake Superior and had augured two holes in the ice about 40 to 50 feet apart. As is my custom, I would jig one rod for five or ten minutes, then lay it down, walk over to the second rod and jig it for a similar length of time. And I’d repeat the process, fishing any number of holes, throughout the course of the day.
On this particular occasion, however, I was sitting on my snowmachine jigging a William’s Ice spoon. After the requisite five or ten minutes at the hole, I laid the rod on the seat of my snowmachine and started walking over to my second hole several feet away.
That is when I heard a strange noise, turned around and saw my ice fishing rod being unceremoniously tugged off the seat of my snowmachine and headed down the hole. Fortunately, I was able to intercept it before it vanished and fought a gorgeous 12- to 15-pound lake trout the surface.
Feeling pretty satisfied, I sat back down on my snowmachine and started jigging again for another ten minutes or so. Then, I laid down my rod again and started walking over to my second rod.
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