The organizational pockets are designed to accommodate numerous calls and must-have gear. This extremely efficient and practical vest is an all in one design that will streamline your hunting experience. Your gear remains accessible from standing and seated positions with attached side pouches. The slate call pocket has three slots for strikers and two pouches for slates. The box call pocket is completely silent in the field and 3 additional pockets are built specifically for diaphragm calls. Five shotgun shell holders also keep your ammo within reach at all times for quick loading and unloading. A removable front pocket features a shoulder strap for run-and-gun style hunts and the seat conveniently folds away or completely detaches when not in use. The rear game bag compartment also features a pocket for decoy stakes. Weighing less than 4 pounds with adjustable straps, the system is lightweight and built to comfortably fit most body sizes.