Corresponding with the Vortex Scope Company I told them how pleased I was with my Vortex Crossfire II 1×4 power rifle scope. It has the V-Bright dot in the middle of a plex cross hair and for me this is the ultimate close range deer hunting reticle. The scope was mounted on my pet Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle in .308 Winchester. This rifle and scope combination received much publication last year at ODU Magazine. Subsequently I asked for another scope to test of a higher power configuration.The Ruger XM77/22 Vortex Tree Squirrel Discombobulator
Some how the wires got crossed and I received one of their long eye relief scout rifle scopes with a normal plex reticle, and 2-7x power. Well, I already had a fine Vortex scope on my Scout rifle and I wasn’t going to change anything. The fact was, most people put a long eye relief scope on a Ruger Scout, however I didn’t, opting for the over the receiver mount style which I’m more accustom to. But now I have the long eye relief scope so I better get to work.
At first I looked around for a Marlin 336 in 30-30, but people in the know are holding on to old ones and I wasn’t about to buy a new one. Then contemplating the time IThe original zero group.
decided to build a Mini Scout Rifle. I looked around and found nothing like it anywhere although I’m sure I’m not the first.
I found a vintage Ruger 77/22 and added it to the collection. I then ordered a Ruger Picatinny base and an extension Picatinny base that I piggy backed on the original base creating a cantilever. It fit and the scope went on with no problem, the result however, wasn’t exactly a Scout rifle. It seemed I re invented the Buck Roger’s Special. I absolutely refuse to give up until there is complete failure, suddenly I was pleasantly surprised. I love it when one of my hair brained schemes works out perfectly.
Instead of being junk it turned out to be a tack driver. Firing Aguila Super Extra Standard Velocity (My standard 22 ammo for all testing and practice), instantly turned in a Dime Sized group at the standard 25 yard Squirrel Hunting Distance. The adjustments on the Vortex were perfect but there was another test that had to be performed; see if you can re zero with another brand of ammo and then return to the original zero. That is the acid test for the adjustments of any scope, while Vortex claims you can do it I had to prove it.
So meet the XM77/22 Vortex Tree Squirrel Discombobulator (Marvin The Martian would love this), I had faith this rig could do all that is asked of it and more. Perhaps the rifle was a little on the outlandish side, but knowing the article is all about the Vortex long eye relief Scout Scope the platform was ready. It was going to be fun.
Shot #1 was high right as expected with two calculated adjustments it was in the Red with the Winchester ammo.
Ok lets see if it will return to zero. The Aguila turns in a speed of 1130 fps so I was pretty sure my hunting ammo, Winchester Super X, Power Points (Hollow Points) at 1280 fps would through off the zero nicely, I was not disappointed. The first shot went way high and to the right just as anticipated. Counting and recording the clicks, I made a new zero within three shots; it was dead on with the Winchester ammo.
The scope did in fact return to zero, slight fluctuations in light and the flyer added to the human element.
By reversing the clicks back to the designated Zero Points, I fired another 5 shot group with the Aguila and it was right on the money. Note the finishing group appears slightly high due to the sunlight factor (when the light goes up the sights go down) a little trick I learned on the Army Rifle Team so the optical illusion made the group go about one click high on the 1/2 inch dot. I think we can all live with that. Remember, I don’t stoop as low as to use a Lead Sled, so the human element is intact for a fair analysis.
The scope did in fact return to zero, slight fluctuations in light and the flyer added to the human element.Now don’t you think these guys look so much better with a shave?
The final test is clarity of optics so I decided to really aim small miss small at a target smaller than the cross hairs. I don’t own a 22 rifle that won’t split a playing card now including the Discombobulator. Just for the occasion and to help aid my marksmanship I happened on the perfect outdoor sharpshooter’s target, Duck Dynasty Playing Cards (made in China). I was amazed how clear the scope was as I cleanly split 3 out of 5, using Wolf Match Extra. Further testing didn’t seem to have a point. The Vortex is the new champ telling me that if you can shoot, a Vortex scope on any good rifle will make you better…..Pass it on.