Throwing Knives – Dan Galusha (Multi-Post) – #2

I’m pretty proud of myself tonight for throwing my LEFUX Stork knives from 16 feet with a half-spin. I let Pepper out and decided to get my Storks out to throw for a short time before it got completely dark. I was sticking them from different distances, but wanted to make sure I get a 100% stick before I quit.

It was 9 p.m. and dark. For some reason I had hold of the blade end for a half-spin throw in a choked up position. I let fly and heard the hit. Yes, heard, as it was getting dark enough I couldn’t tell exactly where they were striking.

The first one I figured was a “fluke”, but I threw the other two, and they hit. So, one more time. It was dark enough now that all I could do is hear the hit and know they stuck. I can see the round, but can’t see the knives. I walked up to take a look – 3 perfectly straight sticks in the center. Great time to quit for the night, although I wanted to keep going.

The photo was taken during a daylight moment when throwing the Lefux Storks.

Until next time shoot safe, and have a great day of plinking.

I decided to try throwing my Blackie Collins Mini-Machete, and found it to be a great “blade weighted” thrower for 7, 10 and 13 feet. #blackiecollinsminimachete #macheteasthrowingknife

This knife review is in regards to the On Target Arachnophobia, which is in the Kunai style. It is cheap, flimsy and extremely lightweight – only 2 ounces. #ontargetarachnophobiabudk #throwingknife
