Rifle Shooting Tip: Holdover and Offset: When making precision shots at varying distances a shooter should know–relative to the distance of the firearm’s zero–how much to hold the sights over or under the desired point of impact. Adam Painchaud, Director of the Sig Sauer Academy in New Hampshire, explains the concept of holdover and offset while sharing a drill that will help improve your precision shooting skill.
Loading Technique for a Double Barrel Shotgun: Stop fiddling with those shells and learn from World Champion Cowboy Action Shooter Jim “Long Hunter” Finch an effective and efficient way to load and unload a double barrel side-by-side shotgun.
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5 Things You Must Know About Concealed Carry Holsters: Finding a concealed carry handgun that’s right for you is not always easy but once you do decide you’re going to need a holster. Here are five things about concealed carry holsters you need to be aware of before you go armed.